This Easy Hack Makes Sweet Potatoes Way More Blood-Sugar-Friendly
If you’re going to spend time cheffing up a side of veggies, you should probably try to maximize their benefits, no? Similar to how a smoothie may offer more perks than a juice thanks to the added fiber, some vegetables can boast health benefits when prepared one way or another—sweet potatoes included.
We recently sat down with functional medicine expert Amy Sapola, PharmD, director of Farmacy at The Chef’s Garden in Huron, Ohio, on the mindbodygreen podcast to chat about how to make these tasty veggies even healthier. Here, find her blood-sugar-friendly trick.

If you’re trying to make the most out of your sweet potatoes and mitigate a potential spike in blood sugar, Sapola suggests boiling this veggie rather than roasting it. “The preparation technique for a sweet potato can drastically affect the glycemic impact of that sweet potato,” Sapola explains.
To be specific, Sapola says that roasting sweet potatoes can take their glycemic index score from a 60 to a 90—pretty drastic for such a simple change. Now, experts will usually advise against boiling your vegetables, since you lose many of their valuable nutrients in the cooking water. “However, sweet potatoes are a very rare exception,” says Sapola, especially when it comes to your blood sugar response. Just be sure to let your potatoes sit in the pot for more than just a few minutes, Sapola says. “Boiling sweet potatoes whole for 20 minutes covered is actually the best way to keep the glycemic impact low,” she explains.
After your potato has boiled and cooled, it’s time to get creative with preparation. You may opt for a healthier spin on a classic mashed potato side. Or if you’re ready to dive into fall, a sweet potato soup can serve as the perfect comfort food. Either way, you’ll be soaking up all of the nutrients of the sweet potato while potentially minimizing the following blood sugar spike. And if you’d rather bake your sweet potatoes? That’s fine, too: The nutritious veggie boasts plenty of health benefits, even if it does cause a bit of a glucose spike.
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